Life With Bri
5 min readNov 1, 2020


How To Start a Successful YouTube Channel in 2020

Photo credit to author.

Would you like YouTube to be your future?

Let’s talk about why my YouTube channel was so popular, right out the gate. So, for starters, I had invited several people to my platform, long before my very first post, but you’ll notice on my very first video, “How to penny shop at Dollar General”. I have 2.2k views, but I only have 661 subscribers. While yes this is a very small amount of people, most people struggle to get even 100 subscribers in their first year creating content on YouTube. So, how is that? Well, when people engage, (or like, subscribe, or share), it triggers the YouTube algorithm, telling it that this is watch worthy content. So, after introducing my very first video, almost immediately, I gained 600 subscribers to my channel, telling YouTube to make my video featured in search. When this happens, it means more people will be directed to watch my video, giving me more views. The way people earn money on YouTube (Only directly through YouTube, not including affiliate links and such) is 100% through views, however there are things you can do to trigger the algorithm to do some of the leg work for you, like gaining subscribers, shares, likes, and comments. YouTube now requires you to gain 1,000 subscribers and have 4,000 hours in watch time, before they will consider monetizing your content. (Placing ads on your videos to generate revenue.) This is why it is so important to follow these steps.

There are some things you may mention in your videos that will help draw traffic and the support of YouTube. But there is a method to this. If you’re consistent on uploading videos that people want to watch, YouTube will recognize that. However, if you become inactive for any amount of time, it is difficult to get your views back up without “click baiting”. Click baiting often draws people away from your videos, in the long run if you consistently do it, but sometimes it is necessary to get back on the ball, and helping YouTube to recognize you still have watch worthy content. When the algorithm recognizes a spike in your views after being inactive, that sends the exact message you were hoping for, to the algorithm.

So, how exactly do you gain likes, subscribers, and shares, starting from zero? Here are my top 5 tips for beginners.

  1. Word of mouth
Photo credit to author via PicsArt

You have to tell people that your content exists. Tell all of your friends and family, and supply them with a link. You should also share it on your social media. For me, my number one way to spread the word about new content, is to share it on my Facebook page, which I made specifically for my YouTube channel.

2. Other social media outlets.

Photo credit to author via PicsArt

This is a big one. As mentioned in the tip above, you will need different streams of social media, but to rule out confusion, it is best to keep it simple and make all of your social media outlets easy to find under the same name. Example: My YouTube channel’s name is, Life With Bri, so in turn, my Facebook page alternatively is also called, Life With Bri. You want people to be able to find you. Odds are, if someone likes your content, they will look your content up on other social media outlets, so you want that to be as transparent as possible.

3. Talking to your audience.

Photo credit to author via PicsArt

This is SO important. You may not realize it, but asking your audience to like, subscribe, or share, actually increases your chances of people liking, subscribing, and sharing. Not everyone thinks about those things when they’re watching your videos.

4. Mark your calendar.

Photo credit to author via PicsArt

Having a set date and time to when you will be uploading content is key. Sometimes, when you’re not yet a full time YouTuber, like myself, it is hard to give an exact time frame on when your next upload will be. For me, right now, I have to say, “until next time.” but, eventually, and hopefully soon, I will be able to set a date and time for people to look forward to. If people know that on Monday, at 4PM, every week, they’re going to get to see your content, they will often be there to watch their much anticipated video for that week.

5. Incentives.

Photo credit to author via PicsArt

Offer something in return for views. If you’re asking for people’s help, and their support, the very least you could do is offer something in return. For my channel, I will be giving away a free mystery box, in value of up to $500 for every 1,000 subscribers, up to 10,000 subscribers. All they have to do is be be subscribed, and comment when they’re done. They can also invite their friends to get in on the giveaway as well. Helping me get to 1,000 subscribers, or even 10,000 subscribers, means 10 giveaways in the near future. The only way to get in on that giveaway, or for that giveaway to ever take place, is for people to tell their friends, so that the numbers will move, guaranteeing the giveaway. See how this eventually gains subscribers? With that being said, your prize does not have to be a mystery box, or any item valued up to $500. Your prize just has to be something worth sharing for.

Photo credits to author.

If you’ve made it this far you will need to know one last thing to get started. Have content available that is WORTH watching. No body wants to watch paint dry on a wall. You have to have the personality to keep people entertained, but you also have to have good content to match your personality. If you’re not passionate about whatever you’re recording, whether it’s a vlog, a podcast, a cover, etc., you may be just wasting your time. Make content that matters.

To be continued..




Life With Bri

My name is Brianna Waters. I am a 21 year old, living in no where Oklahoma, going no where fast! I want to be successful and this is where I begin. Wish me luck